
I am making a website about the game I found.

September 3rd, 2023 from a PS1 capture card

What I know about the game so far.

It is a kind-of collectathon-3d-platformer sorta game from around the 90s. It is a little bit simplistic and some parts of the games seem unfinished from the rest of the game, which I find to be quite odd for a fully released video game for the PS1.

What platform is it for?

As mentioned above, it is a game for the PS1. It seems to be pretty primitive and when I search up online for "Partitime PS1 game", there is nothing found except 1 eBay listing to an apparently unreleased plushie of the main character, who is named Nano.
Sadly the eBay listing does not have the image of the plushie as I have used the Wayback Machine to check it out from around 2007, when it seems the game was most popular.

The eBay listing from around mid 2007

More unfortunately, it was $59.95 but then again I have not discovered this game until recently.


How did I acquire a copy of this game?

From what I know, I was passed down this game when my friend needed to throw some old stuff out. I decided to take in most of his PS2 collection, which was only around 4 games, but I did see this game among the collection and told me to take it. He apparently barely remembered anything from it which is weird because most of the time he remembers every minute detail. Either way, it came with a sticky note and some notes inside but I have no idea who it was for or why it was made.
When I received the game around 2016, I just threw it among my own random box of stuff. But it is now, at the time of writing, 2023 and I have found it again. It is an... interesting game to say the least.

Front cover with the sticky note.

The blank disk in the inside. Not a semblence of the game on the front.

Inside cover with notes.

Click on the links below for my journey throughout the entire playthrough.

Entries Date
Entry 1 August 28th, 2023
Entry 2 September 1st, 2023
Entry 3 September 6th, 2023